How to use Texmod?

First , you need TEXMOD , once downloaded open it , it will look like this!

Click on the Folder to locate your game.exe , i will use Revelations as example!

Package Mode

On Package Mode we can select the Mods we want to play with , i will use my Pink Jill Mod as example.

Just click on "Run" and you're done , keep in mind that Texmod don't make permanent changes , and you have to load the mods everytime , so don't delete the .tpf file!

Logging Mode

Don't change anything! With Logging Mode we can work on textures , hit the "Run" button and you will see something like this:

The commands are simple but if you're using a laptop like me , you have to press "Fn" on your keyboard , for example.

Fn + P = Previous Texture
Fn + Ç = Next Texture

If you wanna check the textures that you can see on screen press the next buttons!

Fn + *

This will filter the textures!

And to get back to default just hit:

Fn + /

Package Build

After making your Mod now you have build it , "Definition File" is set to default here , you don't need to change anything here , just put your name on "Creator Name" , add a comment if you want , click on "Build" and it will show a window , just save where you want and thats it , you just made a mod!

It should look like this after all:

Here is an ingame screenshot!

Have a nice Day!

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